Greeting Regional Head
Upon The Launch of
Praise and thanks of gratitude to God Almighty. that gave the little droplets of knowledge and mastery over information technology so that the District of Kuantan Singingi can launch page as a media information and communication construction of Regency Kuantan Singingi.
I heartily welcomes this effort as part of an effort to provide information to the community development which is due to the development of information technology does not have to come to the Kuantan Singingi to know share about things relating to the Kuantan Singingi but simply by accessing internet then a wide range of stakeholders with the information development in the District of Kuantan Singingi in various establishments can continue to access the new autonomous region.
One of the main characteristics of the 21st century this is whom he turned for information technology as an indispensable part of our daily activities, was no exception, the construction of government activity, and community so it's not surprising in the context like this then stuttering would be information technologies are perceived as being outdated.
In the Government's internal perspective, I certainly hope this medium can be optimized by all OPD to inform program/development activities. In this context the Government has to portray itself as a provider of information possible for the interests ofthe public. In the external perspective of the Government, I hope this media into a medium that can be used by the wider community to not only follow the development of this region but also may be becoming a point of entry into media for good investment opportunities in agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, forestry, and tourism. Related to that is I say Welcome to the visitors of this page.
Considering the urgency of the presence of the media, then to the media manager is part of the Regional Secretariat Publicist I ask that serious and professional in managing this media.
Finally, with my official launch this page and at the same time welcomes the visitoron this page. Hopefully with the presence of this media can contribute to the interests of the construction of Regency Kuantan Singingi.